I Wish For You

I wish for you..
comfort on difficult days.
smiles when sadness intrudes.
rainbows to follow the clouds.
laughter to kiss your lips.
sunsets to warm your heart.
soft breezes to soothe your soul.
gentle hugs when spirits sag.
friendships to brighten your being.
quiet times to refresh your essence .
beauty for your eyes to see.
confidence for when you doubt.
faith so that you can believe.
courage to know yourself.
patience to accept the truth.
and love to complete your life.
This is being sent to you
because someone thought of you today.
someone cares about you today.
Because of who you are,
because of what you stand for,
because I wanted you to know I care.
Copyright 1998
""When the heart sings and the spirit soars, the music
of life is complete."
bkh - October 99
"Love is the music the heart sings best."
"To bring you laughter each morning and warmth at night...
would bring me joy at all hours." :c)
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"The stars are merely a means to guide our future with...
a future full of promise, bright beacons and endless possibilities."
BKH - April 1999