Take The Time

Take the time today to stop
and listen to your inner voice.
It will guide and calm you
when nothing else can.

Take the time today to
see that you are a unique individual ,
able to give something
that no one else has...yourself.

Take the time to appreciate
the people around you,
both good and bad.
Each fights his or her own battles.

Take the time today to
say hello to a friend you
haven't seen in awhile.
It will put a smile in their day.

Take the time today to
do a good deed without anyone
knowing. It will warm
your heart and return two fold.

Take the time today to
look about you and appreciate nature.
God entrusted it's care with us.
Enjoy it.

Take the time today to
say "I Love You" to someone
you've neglected.
Love is too precious not to voice.

Take the time today to
hug a small child.
And in them find our own hearts
and our hope for tomorrow.

Take the time today to
value yourself.
You have much to offer to
this world.

Take the time today to
count the things that have gone well.
Too often we dwell on the negative
and don't see the positive.

Take the time today to
spend with your family.
Too soon things change..and
time can never be recaptured.

Take the time today to
feel the sun on your face.
Marvel at the simple pleasures.
They're the ones that fill our souls.

Take the time today to
Yourself, your family, your
friends...the people in your heart.

Take the time today
and the world will be a much better
place tomorrow.

© Copyright Brenda Hager 1999
Do not use or reproduce without permission

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"The stars are merely a means to guide our future with...
a future full of promise, bright beacons and endless possibilities."
BKH - April 1999